Anthony Canavaciol is a mildly lovable writer, director, producer, and editor from Brooklyn, New York with a mediocre smile. A graduate of Hofstra University, Anthony has held at least one of those positions for every video on this site and a bunch more. He is extremely happy working in the entertainment industry, specifically loving the process of making an idea come to life.
Anthony, aka Bone, aka Iron Manthony, worked as a showrunner and senior producer at Sports Illustrated for 5 years, but has also done some freelance work at Nickelodeon during that span. Currently, he is attempting to launch his own production company called Freshly Popped Productions, focusing on satisfying video content needs for local businesses.
Outside of professional work, Anthony has been trying to kickstart his own creative career, working on writing screenplays, making music videos, and trying to figure out how to get to where he wants to be in the film and television industry. Recently, one of Anthony’s television pilots made it to the quarterfinals in Screencraft’s Comedy Competition and it was a very exciting time! You can check all that stuff out at Anthony’s Coverfly page.
Anthony’s hobbies include making fun stuff, watching fun stuff, and doing fun stuff. He also likes to cook and eat food that is very unhealthy for him. Come over and he’ll offer you fried chicken and brownies. Not at the same time though, that’d be crazy.
He would love to talk to you about anything, including but not limited to: what you do, TV shows, future projects, and jigsaw puzzling technique.
Below is Anthony’s beautiful resume, and then below that are some pictures of him that he thinks make him look cool or hilarious if that feature is working today.